Countdown to Mexico

We leave in less than a month. I’ve been busy getting the bikes ready, oil, tires, chains, the usual stuff.  I’ve completely dismantled my KTM not only to make some upgrades but just to see where everything is.

Cool new Rottweiler Intake system

New for 2015, Deby’s motorcycle gets a new seat.

I decided to try my hand at custom seat building using a Seat Concepts kit. I carved the foam using an electric turkey carving knife and inserted a gel pad I bought on eBay. Less than half the cost of buying a custom seat and every bit as good.

Yesterday we braved the Pacific Northwest cold and damp an went on a 260 mile shakedown cruise.

The temperature hovered around 40 degrees all day with mostly cloudy skies. It was a good test of our gear and motorcycles. No problems with either and we had a fun ride. Here are a few pictures. Check out Deby’s new soft panniers from Mosko Moto these things are really cool, I’m really looking forward to trying them out.

The roads were wet with some slick spots but the new tires hooked up just fine. Just the refresher course we needed after limited riding for the last few months.

We eventually ended up at the High Steel Bridge. Click the link to learn more about bridge that is on a forest road in the Olympic National Forest.

It was a Long Way Down (wait, wasn’t that a motorcycle documentary?)

View down from the bridge.

Another reason for the ride is this Blog post. WordPress had a number of updates ready for me to install and I really need to familiarize myself with the process of re-sizing and linking pictures. I did a little cleanup on some of the other tabs and will try to do more in the coming weeks. So far, so good.

As I’ve said before, we would love it if you followed along but don’t feel obligated. You can subscribe or un-subscribe using the links on the right (you may need to scroll down a little). If you do follow along send us a comment once in a while. It’s great fun to hear from friends while we are travelling. We might not always be able to respond but rest assured a friendly hello is nice to hear at the end of a day riding.

Donn and Deby

8 thoughts on “Countdown to Mexico

  1. So cool! Really looking forward to watching this all unfold and your adventure get underway

  2. I’m really looking forward to following this adventure. I didn’t get my late fall ride in last year. I have severe cabin fever. I’m not as tough as I used to be. I’ll wait for spring to ride.
    Be safe, enjoy the ride, I’m looking forward to your posts.

  3. Ah, I’m envious. That is, I would be were I not comfortable being off the bike. Still, it is great to see that you are still putting on the miles and keeping the smiles. Have a great trip.

    • Dave! Mi motocicleta amigo. Trust me, Deby and I will be thinking of you and the crew the whole way. It won’t be quite the same without you. I hope this trip is a warm up for a longer version of MotoRaid II. I hope you enjoy the blog posts.

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