Into Bolivia

(Note: A draft of this post inadvertently was sent out a few days ago before it was completed so I needed to recall it. Sorry for the inconvenience)

We knew it would be tricky to enter Bolivia. Bolivia requires a visa for travelers from the U.S. We could have possibly obtained one before leaving but time constraints necessitated that we attempt to get one at the border. To complicate things, we decided to cross into Bolivia at a small out of the way border crossing on a Sunday. Hmmm.

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Leaving Peru on a High Note

Hypoxemia, when your blood oxygen levels are low, can be dangerous and even deadly. I always thought it was hypoxia, but according to the Cleveland Clinic, Hypoxemia is low oxygen levels in your blood and hypoxia is low oxygen levels in your tissues. Hmm, learned something new. Symptoms to look our for are: Headache, Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, Rapid heart rate, Coughing, Wheezing, Confusion, Bluish color in skin, fingernails and lips. Continue reading

The Sacred Valley and Beyond

Urubamba is a smaller cousin to nearby Cusco and is the jumping off point for people wanting to visit the Sacred Valley region of Peru. Just what we wanted to do. Again, thanks to our friend Ivan in Lima, we found ourselves at the excellent Hotel Amaru Valle. We took a day off for rest, laundry and a private tour of some of the local attractions including the Moray site, and the Salt Mines of Maras. It’s worth clicking on the links to read more about it and see some professional pictures. Ok, here is one Deby took of the Salt Mines, it was pretty cool to see but made me thirsty. Continue reading

Duck Canyon!

Duck Canyon

Pato Canyon Road, or Duck Canyon is one of those roads we’ve tried to explore twice before and were turned around. It has its own listing on that you can read all about in great detail HERE. Compared to what type of roads we were on to get there we thought the road was a difficult but not nearly as bad as the rocky ruts we had been riding. Continue reading

Rough roads in the Northern Andes

Now the fun begins…. after the morning stop at the museum with the mummies we continued south on ruta 8B. This was a day of highs and lows but mostly highs as we climbed up and over two mountain ranges. Here is the elevation plot for the day.

The first half of the day was spent climbing towards almost 12,000 feet. The road started paved with beautiful vistas of the green foothills. Continue reading

Northern Peru – Part 1

Into Peru

We left Vilcabamba well rested after three days of relaxing and getting caught up on the blog and book reading. We were within a few hours of the border crossing into Peru and had two route options: the “jungle” crossing that was due south of us on a dirt road, or we could double back and enter Peru on the “mountain” crossing on the Pan-American Highway. I asked around at the hotel and checked online and maps and decided to go for the closer but more difficult jungle crossing. Continue reading

Ecuador is Awesome

Ok, it really is a awesome. A country of beautiful green mountains and nothing but curvy roads often climbing to over 10,000 feet into clouds and misty rain then back down into sunshine and warm temperatures. Totally enjoyable riding with roads alternating between new four lane blacktop to pitted out gravel and mud. A little of everything I suppose. But wait, how did we get in? Continue reading