On the road to Mexico for 2014!

Well. I haven’t posted in a while and I know I left everyone wondering what we are up to and how the crew are doing, especially Dave after his crash. I’m glad to report that Dave is much better and even though he’s had ongoing surgeries and lost some range of motion he is ok. In September we had a reunion of the MotoRaidII team at Keith’s house and I managed to get this picture. Unfortunately amigo number 6, Michael, could not be there. From left to right is Dave, Donn, Deby, Jim and Keith.


Michael had his own news, Dee Dee and Michael were married in September! Congratulations!

Deby and I? Back to the groove of work and motorcycle rides when ever we can. This past summer we rode to Buffalo Wyoming for the International Norton Owners Association Rally. As usual we ended up off pavement as often as possible and had a blast. In fall we explored some of the back country roads of British Columbia.

I didn’t blog about those trips because….. hmmm…. well because. Actually I wanted to get back to this blog and clean it up, updating the links and making it easier to navigate. Now I see there is a new WordPress version I need to upload and more and more and blah blah blah. So there, it didn’t happen.

But now Deby and I are back on the road heading to Baja Mexico. Interestingly enough, this will be my third January in Baja. Fun. We left our home near Seattle today towing the motorcycles in a trailer south to San Diego where we will park at a friend’s house and ride from there. I have my SPOT tracker with us and will be firing it up when we are riding. I may try it out tomorrow just to make sure everything is working with the links.

I know a number of you subscribed to this blog to follow our MotoRaid trip, I won’t be offended if you don’t want to follow us here, just hit the Unsubscribe link in this e-mail. Or, maybe follow along, it might make for some winter entertainment.

If all goes according to plan this blog will be full of nice pictures of riding, beautiful scenery, some food dishes and red sunsets. Or…… who knows what, riding in Mexico can be unpredictable.

It’s good to be back on the road, I hope you enjoy the trip.

Thanks for following,

Donn and Deby

22 thoughts on “On the road to Mexico for 2014!

  1. Happy Trails in 2014. Wondering when you’ll be getting sidecars, or a moto/tow-trailer, to transport Deby’s rocks?

    • Kerry, great to hear from you. We must be close right now. I wanted to e-mail you before we left but was crazy busy. We were wondering if you might be heading south as well? I would love to catch up on our way back around the end of January. Hi to Kim.

      • Absolutely, we would LOVE to have you!! Not south this season. North this summer. Looking at OP in your region. Hope to see you later!

        • Hmmm, we just might take you up on this offer. I want to hear about your Baja trip and entice you to visit us when you travel to WA.

    • Hi Tad, yes, I’m looking to riding together again. I still haven’t seen that new bike! We’ll be thinking of you and Gaila.

    • Hi Sal, Deby and I caught the last two minutes of the Packer game on the radio yesterday. A station that carried it just came into range in the Oregon wilderness. Wow and wow! I don’t think I’ve ever heard such an exciting game. The Packers beating the Bears in Chicago with less than a minute to go in a playoff game for the division. It doesn’t get any better than that.

  2. Safe travels to you two. Looking forward to reading and seeing your posts. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! Have fun!

  3. Whoops……just sent the reply to your email……..so glad I get to read your blogs again!! You two are great!

  4. Have a great time! Look forwarding to hearing about your adventures at an upcoming NWNO meeting. Be safe!

  5. Great way to start the New Year!
    Keep an eye out for a good beach bar locale for us.
    Happy trails!

  6. Happy Trails & New Year from Joe & Dee.
    Look forward to keeping up with your postings, they will give us a vicarious warm feeling through out January.
    Be safe out down there,

    JS & DM

    PS – Give me a call when you return…..

    • Joe and Dee, anything to keep you northerners warm. Yes, I’ll give you a call. I made my reservations for the Norton rally cabins before I left.

  7. Happy New Year to you both! It will be fun to read your blog again! Amigo number 6 is on the hill as a Ski Instructor this year…but I know that he will be missing the adventure riding! Enjoy your journey and safe travels!
    Michael and Dee Dee

    • Hi Dee Dee and Michael! We miss you guys too. Hopefully we can do some riding together soon. Thanks for following the blog.

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