How far south can we go? How far south should we go? Will we make to the southern most road in Chile? What about the political stability of the countries we will be going to? Do we have all the correct paperwork for the border crossings? Will the bikes make it? Will we??? One way to find out…. Continue reading
Small bikes-Big Adventure Part 2
This was a long day. You know it was slow when it takes almost 7 hours of moving time to go 100 miles. I’ll try to explain what happened.
Small bikes-Big adventure Part 1
“Monkeys on a Railway, August 6 – 11, 2023, 125cc Mini Motos on a Rail Trail, That is a dumb idea! Want to join us?”
Arrrrg, again my friend Kevin (aka GPSKevin) is stirring up trouble. I received the above e-mail from him announcing a planned ride through British Columbia, Canada on small motorcycles. Yes Kevin! This IS a DUMB idea! Of course we signed up……. Continue reading
Spain 2023 by Camper Van
Spain 2023 By Motorcycle
As we get ready for another South America run I’m briefly catching up on some of our adventures from last summer. We were in Spain for a month, rode 125s on rail-trails in Canada and camped in WA, OR, CA. ~Donn
So why not? Last year we were riding in Mexico with the motley GPSKevin crew when Roberto let us know they were planning a trip to Spain in 2023, do we want to go? After about 30 seconds we let Roberto know we were in! Kevin was planning a smaller group for his first trip into Europe. We checked out the list of other people going and knew about half of them so we knew it would be a great trip. Continue reading
Donn and Deby get a New Look!
Yes, I finally got around to updating the Website. As far a Deby and I go, we pretty much look the same. Well, maybe ever so slightly older. Umm, that would be me not Deby.
I’m sending out this update to introduce some new features and let you know what we’ve been up to and what’s next. I realize now, I haven’t posted here in about the same length of time it takes to make a baby so it’s about time. Continue reading
No…. not these kinds of whales!

Not humanoid biped whales but the more majestic kind that live in the ocean. But I’m going to save that for later. If you just can’t wait, scroll down to the end for a whale of a story (get it? ha ha).
Continue readingDestination Wedding!
The date was getting closer for our son’s wedding in Loreto, Baja Sur, Mexico. We had a huge blast riding around the mainland but now we were ready to take the overnight ferry to La Paz for our final month in the “other” Mexico, Baja California.
We had a beautiful last night in Mazatlán with another stunning sunset. They just never get old for us.

The setting sun lit up the beach hotels with warm hues for our nightly walk.
Continue readingSlowing Down, Enjoying the Sights
And why not? We’ve been having some really great days riding but on this trip are punctuating our fun rides with some longer city stays. I do have to say that we enjoy exploring new places on foot, riding motorcycles in and around Mexico is really one of our favorite things to do.
So where are we now? Here is our route so far:

It had to happen at some point……..
We both got sick. It was a busy couple of weeks in big city of Oaxaca, while I was working on my Spanish Magic Deby was visiting markets, museums and galleries. Two days before we were scheduled to leave Deby started coughing and sneezing. The next day it was me. We ended up with full on head colds. Was is COVID? Hmmmm, didn’t really seem like we were that sick, more just like head colds. Enough that we decided to lay low, wear masks where appropriate and get lots of rest. Weird thing, neither of us has had so much as a sniffle since well before the pandemic. I had actually forgot what it was like to have cold symptoms. I stayed home from my last two days of Spanish Magic school, so I suppose that makes me an official language school drop out.
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