Ready to Ride 2023

My last post was 10 months ago when we returned from Mexico. After an exciting year of travels we leave tomorrow and are heading back to Mexico. I hope you don’t mind riding along. Thanks to everyone who is encouraging me to continue with this blog. I’ll try to keep it interesting. If you no longer want to get these e-mails you can unsubscribe by clicking on the link or e-mail me at and I’ll remove you from the list. No worries.

I did add a tab at the top of this website for our 2021 Alaska trip. It was pretty epic and I didn’t have it uploaded to this blog until recently. I hope you find it interesting.

So, what have we been doing since the last post? I’ll do a quick summary here.

In April, Deby and I were on the pit crew for the Desert 100 race in Odessa, Washington. Our sons, Jon and Weston entered the race. Deby and I rode the poker run which was plenty for us.

They had fun racing and finished respectably in their categories and we all had fun despite the huge dust storm.

In May, Deby and I were back on the big bikes for a run to Las Vegas where we met up for another GPSKevin ride around the Southwest.

We managed to log another 4,600 miles on the bikes and had a blast. On the way down we explored Death Valley, one of our favorite places.

We managed this picture at one of our favorite stops along the Burr trail in Utah.

At the end of June we met our friends Kim and Kris at the Mosko Moto Un-Rally in the Alvord Desert of SE Oregon. This time camping with the small bikes.

Deby had fun tearing it up on palaya as the sun was going down.

We were only home for a couple of weeks when a buddy of mine called. “Hey, do you want to ride to Colorado next week to watch an Ultra Marathon?” Ha, why not? So for the next two weeks it was another 6,000 miles and “guy time” with my friend Ron.

Then it was time for a long planned trip to Canada with friends from past posts. Michael and his wife DeeDee who rode with us multiple times including South America. Richard who was with us on our parts of our last Mexico trip and John, who we also met in Mexico. We finally were able to explore Banff National Park.

We seem to have a fall tradition to load up the small bikes and camper and head to our favorite places in Utah. This year was no exception. We had an excellent camp spot overlooking the Moki Dugway outside of Medicine Hat, Utah.

We made it to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and I took this picture that was one of my favorites.

Now we have both the bikes loaded up and ready to head south for the winter.

We have only an outline of a plan, with plenty of room for exploring and adventure. I signed up for Spanish school in Oaxaca at the end of January, so we will be at least that far south. In March we will be in Baja for our son Jon’s wedding! Should be fun. Thanks for riding along!

Donn and Deby